What is the contact number for Medical Equipment?
We use Edgepark, and can be contact at 1-800-321-0591
Does my medical plan require a Pre-Certification?
For certain procedures, a Pre-Certification is required. Your doctor will have to call Amalgamated Medical Management at 1-800-848-9200.
Does the Fund offer Life Insurance benefit?
Yes, if you die while you are covered by the Plan, your designated Beneficiary is entitled to $10,000 of term Life Insurance coverage through Amalgamated Life Insurance Company. Contact the Fund office for information or application at (212) 366-7880.
What insurance do we use for hearing benefits?
General Hearing Services – Phone number 888-899-1447
What is the coverage for hearing benefits?
$350 per ear, every 4 years. There is a $250 Copay
Can I pick up my Disability Check?
Yes, you must call and make an appointment.
When is the Disability Check going to be mailed?
Once the application is received and approved, you will receive a weekly check, up to 26 weeks.
How do I know if I’m eligible for Short-Term Disability?
You need to have worked within 28 days from disability.
How many visits are allowed for physical, occupation and speech therapy?
30 visits combined
How many visits are they allowed for a chiropractor?
30 visits