Hollow Metals

Need Help? We are here to support you. Call our welfare fund (212) 366-7880 or pension fund (212) 366-7881  Email: hollowmetal@nyccbf.org

When do my benefits get terminated?

Plan A: Coverage will be terminated the last day of the second month following the month for which the final premium was due to the Fund on your behalf. For example: If you are laid off on May 15th and your employer’s last premium was due to the Fund on your behalf for May, your […]

When am I eligible for medical benefits?

Plan A: If you work under a CBA (Contract) that requires your employer to pay a monthly premium to the Fund on your behalf, you will become eligible for coverage the first day of the month following the month in which contributions are reported. For example: If your employer is first required to contribute to […]