Why are they having a problem filling the prescription at the pharmacy?
If the prescription was picked up more than 3 times (RRA – Retail Refill Allowance) for maintenance medication, you would need to do mail order by having your physician call Express Scripts to make the request.
How can my pharmacy or physician confirm my prescription coverage?
Providers can call the Pharmacy Desk line at 800-922-1557
How can I order a new prescription card?
Call Express Scripts at 800-711-0917
Is our Medical Insurance the same as our Prescription coverage?
It is not, your prescription coverage is through Express Scripts.
Why am I getting balance billed? (Out-of-Network Doctor)
If the physician is out of network, we pay 250% of the Medicare rate. If do not agree or it was an emergency visit, you can write an appeal letter to the Board of Trustees and mail it to us at Hollow Metal Trust Fund, 395 Hudson St. 9th fl., NY 10014
Why hasn’t my medical bill been paid? (In-Network)
Call C&R consulting at 212-366-869-5986 to check the status of the claim.
Who do we contact for information on our medical bills or claims?
You can contact C&R Consulting which processes all claims. If your provider wants to inquire about the status of a claim, they can also contact C&R Consulting at 212-395-9339 or 212-869-5986.
How do I get a list of In-Network Physicians?
You can call Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) at (800) 810- BLUE (2583) or access the information at www.BCBS.com
How do I order a new Blue cross Blue shield card?
Call us at 212-366-7880
Who do we have Medical Insurance with?
Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)