Hollow Metals

Need Help? We are here to support you. Call our welfare fund (212) 366-7880 or pension fund (212) 366-7881  Email: hollowmetal@nyccbf.org

Plan A:
If you work under a CBA (Contract) that requires your employer to pay a monthly premium to the Fund on your behalf, you will become eligible for coverage the first day of the month following the month in which contributions are reported.

For example: If your employer is first required to contribute to the Fund on your behalf for the month of January, your employer will have to report the premium obligation and/or make the required contribution in February, and your coverage will commence on March 1.

Plan B:
If you work under a CBA (Contract) that requires your Employer to make hourly contributions to the Fund, you will become eligible for coverage once you have worked 250 hours in Covered Employment (i.e., work for which your employer is required to contribute to the Fund on your behalf). These 250 hours will “buy” you a calendar quarter (three months) of coverage.

If you work at least 250 hours during one of the following periods, you will be covered for the calendar quarter beginning on the date shown below:


If you work 250 hours during: Coverage begins:

October, November, December  – January 1

January, February, March April 1

April, May, June July 1

July, August, September October 1

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