Hollow Metals

Need Help? We are here to support you. Call our welfare fund (212) 366-7880 or pension fund (212) 366-7881  Email: hollowmetal@nyccbf.org

Plan A:
Coverage will be terminated the last day of the second month following the month for which the final premium was due to the Fund on your behalf.

For example: If you are laid off on May 15th and your employer’s last premium was due to the Fund on your behalf for May, your coverage will be terminated on July 31st unless you elect and pay for COBRA coverage.

Plan B:
If, during any given quarter, you work 200 or more hours, but less than 250 hours, you will have the opportunity to “buy” the remaining hours needed to become eligible for coverage. The cost to purchase hours needed for eligibility will be $6.00 per hour.

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